You can also try to bypass Windows 11's ridiculous system requirements with this hack directly from Microsoft.

First, you could try to upgrade to Windows 11 without a TPM using this script trick, which basically fools the Windows 11 installer into letting you proceed. If you try to install Windows 11 but can't because you're lacking an appropriately modern CPU or TPM 2.0, there's a couple ways you can try to get around the issue. If you do a clean install of Windows 11 using an ISO file, you will often have the option to proceed with installing Windows 11 even though your system is non-compliant - you'll simply get a warning that it may cause you to not receive important Windows 11 updates, and may cause damage to your PC (very unlikely). However, it's quite possible to run Windows 11 on a PC that doesn't meet all the minimum requirements. If you can enable it, that might let you install Windows 11 with no trouble. To find out, just reboot your PC, open your BIOS menu, and hunt around to see if there's a setting to enable TPM. And if you have a PC built within the last 5-10 years, there's a chance that even if you don't have TPM 2.0 enabled, you can switch it on in your BIOS. This is ostensibly so Windows 11 will be more secure. The most restrictive requirements are those which demand your PC have a pretty modern CPU and TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module) support.

If your PC doesn't meet the Windows 11 system requirements: Windows 11 won't install unless your PC meets the minimum requirements, and some are more onerous than others. The PC Health Check app can help you pinpoint what's holding your PC back from qualifying for Windows 11 (Image credit: Microsoft) The PC Health Check app will then tell you whether your PC meets the minimum requirements to install Windows 11, and what needs to be fixed in order to meet them. The fastest way is to download Microsoft's PC Health Check app from the Windows 11 website (the link to "download PC Health Check app" is at the bottom of the page) and run it. To solve the problem, the first thing to do is verify that the PC you want to install Windows 11 on meets the minimum requirements. There are a number of different ways this issue can impede you.